May 21Liked by Seth Haines

"this lovely world, these precious days" ~E.B. White

Keep a middle finger, or two, in your back pocket at all times. I think that's in Leviticus somewhere, maybe...

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I only wish my toes were dexterous enough to offer middle toes, too.

Yes... this loverly world, these precious days. Thanks, John.

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Dangit if that sheep doesn't make me want to weep. We all know this struggle way too well. Thanks for the encouragement to continue seeking the peace of the wild things.

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When despair of the world fills me...

I remember the first time I read "The Peace of Wild Things." I damn-near cried. Because there are days when I wake in fear of what my children's lives may be.

Thanks for reading, Janna.

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Your words capture the beck and call of "the job" vivantly. The trappings we find ourselves in, and how they curl around our being until we untangle them, or cut them off. Oh how easily we can let it (the job) take from us the calling within to be still; to quit trying. Can I quit trying? The letting go, letting it fall, the letting it just be. And your sentence, "The stress of heat wears all of us thin, I think," calls to mind the difference between heat and warmth. There is no stress with warmth. With knowing we are where we need to be in the present.

Thank you. For putting words where I've struggled to state my feelings.

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Thanks for reading, Sarah. I don't think you are alone in this. I posted a snippet of this on Insta and the private response was astounding. I think we live in an age where the monster is ever present. And maybe that's always been the case. But right now, the monster seems bigger, more vicious, with sharper fangs. Maybe Adults have always felt that way, though.

Keep searching for ways to work with excellence than letting go. I know I could learn some lessons from you in that area. I already have.

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I love sheep - partially because I’m a knitter and need them, and also because they don’t try to be a damn thing other than their derpy dumb selves.

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