
The majority of my medical students are women. The majority of my colleagues in the hospital are women. I’m grateful for this. In fact, there wouldn’t be hospitals without them. If Harrison were hospitalized and all the women left to work in the home during his admission, well, he’d be in deep sh*t.

We all discern our vocation in accordance with the gifts we have been given. For some, that means being a homemaker; for others, it may mean being a doctor, nurse, teacher, or something else. And many of us wear multiple hats throughout life, like your wife. Nuance is the word.

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Agreed. 100%.

On Substack, you used to be able to restack comments. If I could, I would restack this one. It's dead on.

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What thoughtful words. I really appreciate your unpacking of his speech and the lack of nuance. It is tough times for those of us in the moderate middle. The age of opinion is giving me scowl wrinkles for sure!

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Tough times for sure, especially for those who attempt to think critically about their words. Words affect people, and we can nuance those words or not, depending on our objectives. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.

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Seth, you started out by a brief recap of history and prehistory- naming the ages, at least- which if people studied even a little bit, they would understand that there have been very many ways that humans have lived and structured relationships and societies, and maybe be a bit less sure of there being only one Right Way.

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I think the thing that really drove me made was the lack of reading history honestly, even the history of the Bible, which he ascribes to. I made my way into the Catholic Church in 2020, and so, I started picking up all those books I missed as a kid. Among them was Judith. I was astounded by the themes of that book, which paint the protagonist as anything *but* a happy homemaker. The text of the entire Bible, if read critically, can be difficult, and certainly there are themes in the book that show up in his speech. But there are just as many themes showing women as more than a prop for the dreams of men. Because women aren't props. I think the authors knew that.

I have much more to say about this, but it would be dissertation. But to you point, yes... many ways to structure relationship and society, and I'd guess that there's no perfect one.

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This. Thank you…

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Thank you for reading.

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Very well said. Thank you.

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Thanks, Abby.

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"The Age of Opinion is a dry age, and the truth is, I don’t care much for it. In fact, I don’t care much for the internet these days, and I care less about the opinions of celebrities and Super Bowl kickers... "What I care about: Carving out a decent life with the woman I love, and trusting her to follow the Spirit’s winds. That ought to be enough. And it is."

This last bit is my favourite part of this piece. Thanks for speaking boldly and living real, Seth.

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Thanks, Joel.

See my comment above to Rosie. I think you should read the book of Judith.

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May 22Liked by Seth Haines

Damn, Seth. This is how I should wake up in the morning.

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May 22Liked by Seth Haines

…to your unshakable musings. Not in a beautiful red dress. … to be clear.

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I mean… you could wake up in a red dress. I’m sure Wilson wouldn’t mind.

Also, thanks.

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Thank you for this piece that discusses nuance. I have actually been uncomfortable with the categories of "complementarianism" and "egalitarianism." It seems to me that both camps agree that men and women are made in the image of God. The other things - division of labor within a marriage, for example - are going to be very specific and personal and nuanced to each household. (I realize there is more...the discussion of women in ministry.) But, I would rather take each individual issue and discuss it in light of scripture, rather than put people in camps without nuance. Thank you.

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