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This resonates. Like you, I’m generally opposed to book burning. But there are some that perpetuate violence (to our souls) in the name of God that should most definitely be burned. Someone gave me a similar book to the guide you’re writing of here, only it was on the topic of miscarriage not mental health. It was so horrible—the theology, the message, the fact that it made it into the world at all. Even in my grief I was furious that it was in print. It was actually the catalyst for me to decide I would, indeed, write Grace Like Scarlett and pursue publishing it. Feeding hurting people garbage is negligent and cruel. Placating them with religious untruths is blasphemous and corrupt. There are books that should cease to be available. I’m genuinely not sure how to reconcile this belief with my belief that freedom of ideas and press is essential. Who gets to create the filter? Who gets to keep the gate?

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